In an alarming turn of events at this year’s Free Earth Festival in Greece, renowned artist Kevin from the IONO Records act Atacama found himself in a nightmarish confrontation that has cast a dark shadow over the event. The highly regarded psytrance festival attended by thousands, was marred by an incident of shocking aggression.
According to Kevin, what was supposed to be a celebratory post-performance moment turned into a distressing altercation. After wrapping up his set, Kevin was approached by Mike Akida, the festival organizer with over 15 years of experience in the electronic music scene.
What began as a conversation quickly devolved into a physical assault. Kevin alleges that Mike, in a fit of rage, began hitting him repeatedly in the face, accusing him of attempting to blackmail him.
“I was taken completely by surprise,” Kevin recounts. “It was an aggressive attack with no chance to de-escalate or defend myself. The situation was chaotic, and to my dismay, the staff around Mike did nothing to intervene. Instead, they seemed to exhibit a hostile attitude.”
The confrontation escalated further as Kevin attempted to flee, only to be kicked in the back by Mike during his escape. The violence reportedly stemmed from a dispute over the guest list for the festival.
Kevin’s request to include a supporting friend was denied, as the festival’s policy only allowed close family members, music managers, or partners on the guest list. This rigid policy, Kevin suggests, may have been a catalyst for the organizer’s aggressive outburst.
Mike Akida is a well-known figure in the electronic music festival scene, having been involved in various high-profile events over the years.
Notably, he was linked to the infamous Mafia Dance Festival 2010, which was scheduled to take place in Tanzania but was abruptly cancelled just days before the event.
Despite this blemish on his track record, Akida remains a significant player in the festival circuit, currently involved in the newly launched Sola Luna Festival in Thailand.
“Given the festival’s stringent guest list rules, I was caught off guard by such a severe reaction,” Kevin notes. “I had even lowered my fee for the festival due to budget constraints, and to face such aggression over a simple guest list issue was both disheartening and unacceptable.”
The Free Earth Festival, celebrated for its ethos of peace, love, and tolerance, now finds itself at the center of controversy. The festival’s core values stand in stark contrast to the reported violence that unfolded. The incident raises troubling questions about the safety and conduct of those tasked with organizing such events.
“I’ve always been considerate and understanding of the pressures organizers face,” Kevin reflects. “However, physical violence crosses all boundaries. Every organizer is responsible for ensuring the safety of their guests, staff, and artists. In this case, the danger came directly from the organizer himself.”
As investigations into the altercation continue, the music community awaits further updates. For now, the shocking events at the Free Earth Festival stand as a stark reminder of the need for respect and integrity in the world of music and beyond.
Stay tuned for more updates as this story develops.
Original statement release: