WELCOME BACK TO THE SECRET GARDEN! This summer’s itinerary had us meeting up with our summer loving family throughout the cities of South Africa and beyond its borders for unforgettable playtime dates!
We’re finally back home in Cape Town.
And the Secret Garden is calling you, the whimsical, imaginative and adventurous summer lovers who live to venture and explore through new journeys… You are welcome to a tucked away, intimate secret garden filled with the finest delights of human, sonic and decadent nature. We can’t wait to rendezvous again on the lush lawns of the estate, surrounded by awe-inspiring mountains in one of South Africa’s most luxurious venues, our home for the day.
Prepare to celebrate the closing of summer in our most premium sensory indulgence yet. You are the conductor of your day, you create your experience, your whims are your reality, and anything is available to your choosing…
La Paris Estate
Cape Town
Western Cape
Since 2010, we have been reporting on the global psychedelic trance scene.